StormDance Isle

You once again are wondering around Stormy's Valley, on StormDance Isle, and stop a few feet from the Kyra and Stormy statue. You decide with the sun heating up your back to go sit in the shade of a tree. You have only just sat down when you see a shadow dart over the clearing. You look up, but can't make out what it is with the sun in your eyes.
A few moments later at the far end of the clearing, you spot some kind of creature that is red, white, and blue land so gracefully on the ground. It folds its wings in and surveys the area. That's when you see the ram like gold horns on his head. They shine a bright gold along with its back hooves.
It seems to have spotted you then with in a flash it darts towards you. You think you sound run, but something tells you it's ok. As it approaches you can see it's a Pegasus stallion. He looks so powerful and handsome with his pristine snow white and fire red coat and sky-blue mane and tail. Along with his powerful, strong looking wings and his fire red eyes, which seem to engulf you. He stops on a dime a few feet away from you and bows his head to you. "Hello I am Dart! What is your name?"
You state your name and are about to ask him something else about where he came from when you here a whistle. You turn quickly towards the direction of the statue.
Dart turns his neck too, then looks back at you. "I'm sorry I must be going. Kyra is here to take me to Sionayra to meet other Serians." He turns, then in a flash of white, red and sky-blue he is gone. He gallops off towards the cabin, sky blue mane and tail streaming out behind him.
You quickly run over, so you can see the cabin. You spot Dart, darting towards the pink haired girl. He stops and takes a step towards her and nudges her. Kyra as you know her as laughs and waves to you. Dart then takes a few steps back and does a full out bow to her. She walks over to him, grabs a chunk of his mane and gracefully does a small jump and swings her right leg over his back.
He stands up and nickers loudly, then burst into another full out gallop. The two are quit a pair, looking as if they were one being, then the stallion jumps ever so effortlessly into the sky. You watch them soar off, all you can make out is Dart's white, red coat and the girls pink hair and purple outfit. Dart's mane, tail, and ends of his wings have disappeared because they are sky blue colored. So they are gone and you walk back home knowing you have got to know another Serian.

Name: Dart
Gender: Stallion
Affinity (Alter): Red Sands
Special Stats: None
Circle: None
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Arrived: October 8, 2006

He is a prankster bond-brother, StormDance could hate him loads and get annoyed beyond belief but she does care for him. In her opinion he needs a girl, a girl would straighten him out, have him grow up.