StormDance Isle

Now being here many times a meeting serians here and there the isle must trust you since you no longer always enter beside the transport pools near the statue of Kyra and Stormy you find that there are 3 places you appear in the world, depending if you more on the left, right or center. You discover this since you in a area you never been or this is just your theory. So you are in a lush green forest, with some dirt trails and one dirt roadish path, but it looks too natural compared to your home. The sun gets in at patches here and there, where the canopy is not so thick. There a birds flirtering from tree to tree and their is a breeze now and then.
Then all of a sudden you feel eyes on you, you look all around and in the trees thinking it is a bird, but none are paying any attention to you. So you search the surrounding forest, trees, path and bushes and nothing. So you walk on slowly but at any sound or movement, birds take the blame most of the time for that. You stop and search as quick as you can but no joy in seeing the hidden observer.
From a few feet back between two trees and bushes, brown eyes watch you intently, analyzing all your movements. She liked the breeze since it had her brown, mane, tail and forelock move as if some branchess were swaying in the breeze. Before if ever, she showed herself, she wanted to see who this visitor was.
After a few hours you give up, since you also have come to a new terrain a red desert. As you step out and start onto the sand you turn back and just see for a moment a green mane, with brown and grey markings and brown mane, tail and forelock. She stares with some interest, but most caution in her forest eyes. Then she turns and jogs off.
You decide you want to try a meeting and walk-jog back to where you saw her, thinking you can easily follow her trail. You find a few prints but they soon disappear in the short, grass and there is no other indication of where she went. You do leave this time, knowing full well she is watching you and head into the desert you can see if you can find and maybe talk to this serian.

Name: Traveler
Gender: Mare
Affinity (Alter): Forest Song
Special Stats: None
Offspring: None
Arrived: December 14, 2011

She is a great bond-sister. She hit it off great with StormDance. Sure shy at first but there is a girl whom wants to have fun in there and great at things involving tracking.