StormDance Isle

Green orbs looked around his river and stream filled home. There were ferns and other bushes here more than trees, how ever, the tiny plants were the sizes of prehistoric sizes. These plants seem to grow the best and biggest hear than any where else on the island. Some big enough to hide a serian and others up to their back.
Destiny walked through one of the stream, water splashing up and making his teal and yellow coat glint. A thrill ran though him and he bounded up the other side of the wide stream and burst into a gallop. His eyes electric green spirit. His mane and tail flying out behind in an argent streak through the surroundings.
A cry from above announced an Osprey's presence. Destiny continued his pace, but gave toss of his head and a whinny to accept the challenge. The bird dove until a few feet above the meadow swirled stallion. The two took off racing each other and the wind.

Name: Destiny
Gender: Stallion
Affinity (Alter): Eternal Sun
Special Stats: None
Circle: None
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Arrived: March 13, 2010