StormDance Isle

The black mare jogged her springy jog through the trees; she was heading to her favourite spot in her homeland, Cloudburst Isle. Her realm could be accessed from any of statues of her bonded Kyra and her animal friends from her world. There are three versions; Kyra with Stormy & Belle, Kyra with Stetson & Gypsy Queen and last of Kyra in her mermaid form with 4 Cetquines around her: Roska, Luna, Keiko and Trua. The horses have since passed on, but the whales she sees from time to time. All one has to do to activate them is, to be in two feet of them and think of where you want to go: Sionayra or to another of her bond-mate’s home. Well most of time it will work unless that serian was not wanting others in, then you end up in Kyra’s area, a nice water fall area that then leads to cove and to the sea. Her area has all 3 versions of the statue side by side, her tribute to them.
StormDance’s realm was much like Kyra but no leading to the ocean, just one big giant waterfall and many willow trees and meadows. Her favourite spot was at the little almost island where most of the willows grew. The land stretched out into the river from the falls, but did not block it off completely, nor was the land completely surrounded by water. Here was a place she felt so content and peaceful, this was where if she was not galloping through the trees loving all the wind whipping through her mane, tail and forelock, or enjoying all the time she could with Firefly, her mate. Then she was here, the spot she and Kyra choose would me their hangout place, in StormDance’s realm
If they were not racing of playing or plain having fun, they sit here and talk or just enjoy the sound of the falls. It was StormDance’s place where thinking of the past came best and through it was painful she would not forget it; it made her whom she is today.
Once she had another bonded and as she did now with her new bonded, Kyra, she trusted her without question. They shared her foal-hood, many happy memories were made with her 1st, but once becoming a young filly her 1st just left. No words, no signs, just gone. Sure she went and stayed with her parents but the bond between bonded and serian was something they could not help her with. So she left and exploring is what she did mainly, not really wanting to meet anyone. Being along was easier, not running from her past but running and focusing only on the future or what was head of her run is how she coped.
It wasn’t till she met Kyra and found that with not wanting really or thinking about bonding, she bonded to the Muraki girl. Through playing, talking and hanging with her, she found out her bonded had much of similar past to a point. They both were there for each other, to support one another.
More time passed and StormDance found she wanted to explore and meet Kyra’s friends, other bonded and their serians. She was quit the shy thing at first but it helped the first while being out with the Skymagenta haired girl. They drew confidence from one another. She soon made friends and then by chance the two whom got close to her at first were two of her bonded’s closest friend, the one whom showed her Sionayra in the first place. She made a great friend out of spirited filly as well as was drawn too and enjoyed so much hanging with a stallion a bond mate of the filly.
They spent a lot of time walking or galloping the fields on Sionayra. They been some great times, hanging with him. She met others and slowly new bond-mates joined Kyra, but these 2 were the closest outside her bond-family. Amber remembers meeting Sparkle for the first time but back then he was just another serian to be shy around bonded to another bonded that was friends with Kyra. She paid more attention to the stallion she had thought she was understanding and becoming very close friends with. He even got into it with another bond-mate of his whom scared was not the right word to describe what he did. She thought she found an injured stallion; instead he was fine and just wanted to “play with her”. After that encounter she was shaken to the core and when the stallion had found out he confronted his bond-mate and had the battle scars to prove it. They got really close as she did her best to heal him. Then not too soon after the creep of a stallion in all means “turned” her spirited filly friend on her, she was not to any way that same filly she befriended. She been ready then to fight him, he shook her once, but her stallion had taken him on and his actions gave her strength. She would fight to get her friend back, but that was pointless she was no longer there…
Then a few months after her stallion was gone, nowhere to be found. Gone like the ancient little mystical creates to which appear and disappear at random. It is believed they appear to lead you to your destiny/fate/path, well her stallion took part of their name as his. He was also gone like legendary sprites. She been a very low, she lost her best filly friend and her best stallion friend. Amber and Kyra had talked much about it, which is when she found out Kyra had no clue to why but their bonded now hated hers. So that could have been some of the rift but neither was sure why.
Took a while later, but she then again began to play in the fields. She, like her bonded, wanted to be herself again, which was not being in the gloom… Easier said than done but they both were slowly. It was in this time of focusing hard being in games that she was reunited with FireFly. They had played tons of times together. Land marco polo, water fun, racing fun. She eventually found herself being herself not struggling to smile or laugh. She was enjoying herself again, sure she was not coming as far as she had to when she lost her first bonded but still it was hard to come back from yet another two loses.
Then and now StormDance has a playful side and love of speed and games. She also still and has in the past showed her bravery, confidence and loyal to friends and bond-mates. Though without noticing she was growing up, though her experiences she was becoming a mare. She has having thoughts on the future and feelings she was not sure what to make of. All she knew then was that FireFly was becoming her whole world; she wanted to be around him all the time and wanted to see him smile.
StormDance finally did get to the world that was in her heard to sink in; she was in love with the dark blue and yellow stallion. He was the playful spirit to her’s, he had the skill to challenge her in games, he was her support, and air. She knows that she nearly did not hear the words really when he returned her love.
They were a couple but the problem was she joined a Circle with her spirited friends and bond-brother too soon. Back then she wanted to share a circle with her friend, but now it stopped her from being with her love, he too had joined a circle early. Though somehow then, they had been able to unbound from them, it gave them quite the earth quake to the soul but it had been done. StormDance was then finally able to be true mate with FireFly. They then created their very own circle, the Circle of the Cherished Dreams. She and her mate were the leaders being the founders.
She also know had many more bond-family and new friends! Sign was the closet mare to here outside her bond-family. They got along great and her shyness that showed now and then reminded of StormDance of when she was like that.
Her life was now at the most joyous it had been in a very long, long, long time. She still had times when the past swelled up but her life now made it bearable, as well as, without her past she would not have her life she lived now.


Name: StormDance
Gender: Mare
Birth Circle: Circle of The Fallen Stars
Parents: Rhythm & Skylite
Half Siblings: Ghostfire, NightTears & Scribble
Special Stats: None
Circle: Circle of The Cherished Dreams
Mate: FireFly
Offspring: None
Arrived: August 7, 2005