StormDance Isle

The Silver mare trotted through the little valley glen next to StormDance's. This area compared to the storm flecked mare, which had a huge meadow, trees of all sorts and a water fall. SilverFlash's glen had giant willows and cherry blossom trees, with a small stream flowing through it from StormDance's waterfall. The stream ran right through the trees and to the small clearing hidden in a sea of long willow leaves and pink swirling blossoms.
She stopped and snorted playfully, tossing her tiara. Her star yellow mane and forelock rippled lighting in the breeze coming from Crash's cove and Peace's sea. She took in a deep breath catching the smell of the sea and now two of her new bond-mates.
SilverFlash was grateful to be in Kyra’s bonded herd. She now had four new friends. StormDance, Peace, Crash and the mischievous stallion Dart. She chuckled he was defiantly a character.
She resumed her gait and trotted over the stream. She let her head drop down and took a few sips of the clear sparkling water. Once done she headed off to find her new bond-mates. Her tail raised high and flowed out behind her along with her mane giving her a shooting star look, with her silver coat with star like markings. She pranced and disappeared into her forest of pink and light green.
Name: SilverFlash
Gender: Mare
Birth Circle: The Phoenix Gate
& BlackIce
Special Stats: None
Circle: None
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Arrived: May 31, 2008


She is the kind little Princess. She does love games too, but she always so careful in words which make her seem shy at times. She is such the little innocent one, she gets along with everyone and seems to have endless patience for Dart’s antics.
She is a great- bond sister. StormDance liked her from the 1st time they met, taking out Dart since the silver mare had thought it was a shark to save Peace. As well as how she later saved the Prankster from Path’s wrath, she be the only one that would do that. She also was a great sprinter, way faster than she lets on. Always looking after everyone else, but not always watching her own safety.