StormDance Isle

The black glacier lighting coated mare watched her wind swept mountain side though her golden orbs. She lifted her head to the breeze, nostrils flaring as the wind changed and brought new scents from the rest of her home's inhabitants. "Home," she never thought that word you apply to her. She had one; love, joy and kids, but the happy times don't last forever... When Sage's happy times ended they didn't just have a few bumps, her whole world collapsed... Her babies all just gone!
She was so shaken and ripped out from the core that once she came out of herself, she chose to just fade into the Wild mountains. To run and pump her wings to her lungs were going to explode. Though she enjoyed the roaring rush of the wind past her, the sound stopped her from thinking. In those moments she was free and happy.
She was a mother, her foals still alive but she never got to play that role. Her babies were faded out, ripped from her... They were young adults now...She not even sure what to say to ShatteredSky or BlackIce. She did not feel like a mother to SilverFlash but a big sister.
Her little silver filly, was now the one she depended on. Her best friend, her and Kyra both. Both allowed her to be herself and still have totally freedom. Her fears of loosening herself and becoming weak were bygones now. Sage learned she could have a family and yet be strong and independent. One can have support without loosing one's one inner strength.
A quick change in breeze direction brought with it the smell of rain. Her golden orbs glowed with anticipation a storm was rolling in. She picked up a canter, enjoying the wind rushing over her and a few minutes later a distant rumble accompanied her thunder of hooves.
She tossed her head in playfulness. Sage loved storms. The symphony and light show were constant friends in her wild roaming days. They matched the turmoil inside of her as well as the patterned that adorned her coat.
Sage whinnied in joy as the first rain drops slid down her coat. She did a quick turn and galloped back to flat ground where she could run with the storm and not worry about grass being wet on a hillside. As the storm grew in strength the world and mare disappeared into the mountain rain mist.
She comes off at times a bit arrogant, but she is wary of things she is not familiar with. Situations, locations and emotions that she never encountered or knew she could feel. Being one that can stand on her feet when her world crumples is very important to her, but also having those for support is now another thing she treasures.
She is competitive like Kyra. She enjoys games and showing off her skills honed on her own. Agility being her best skill.
Name: Sage
Gender: Mare
Affinity (Alter): Arctic Winds
Special Stats: None
Circle: None
Offspring: SilverFlash, ShatteredSky
& BlackIce
Arrived: December 8, 2011
