StormDance Isle

Early new day blue eyes looked around at the mountain top of red sand and stone. The viewer, a purple stallion with light red beige mane, tail and markings was scanning his home. A habit of his, wanting to know what was going on every time he woke. True I guess to everyone, but more to him, he wanted to know his challenges before he came upon them, if any were there at all.
Rush turned his gaze skywards and took in the vast blue that was only matched by the ocean. He smiled spying a hawk to the right, looking like a sparrow in size being the distance it was from his resting place and to the left, closer a kestrel. The kestrel gave the appearance of dwarfing the hawk but in reality if side by side, it would be the hawk that would dwarf the kestrel. He did love to watch them, his friends of flight. He learned many things from them, the hawk with its free falling with soaring stops, the kestrel agility with slit adjustments to wing position and flight feathers. They both had showed his how to glide effortlessly for hours without even realizing that much time has passed, since he felt as if he were resting on a cushion of air, not expending any energy, Rush might as well have been dozing on his mountain cliff, rather than soaring in the sky.
Still watching the birds, he let a joyous whinny as he burst into and gallop and jumped from his resting place. He only then turned his attention to the ground that was he was curdling towards, but at the last possible moment, then his purple with a white streak expand to full wing span and with one powerful down stroke start to raise to the sky. He whinnied and laughed of joy, his nick name might as well be FreeFall with how much he enjoyed it and how often he did it. He loved the power and control it gave to know he could fall so fast and far and then ascend into the ocean above.
That was something else he was quit known for, his name was given for the fact he usually did not think and only acted. Like how he watched the hawks and bolted from the cliff. He was always rushing into things as well as he loved the feel of air ground or sky whipping through his mane and tail. He loved speed, but by always literally flying into things without a seconds thought, he could do and achieve things that maybe one who did think things through would be held back from. Words, well not so much, but actions, kind of like, look before you leap idea, he dive off a cliff and only after falling a bit check his altitude, or hit the ground running, and only to realize his run way had an obstacle which would mean jump back to the sky or do a dime turn and shower whatever it maybe with the ground terrain.
However since joining his bonded, he has shown her he could quite caring and thoughtful when it came to taking care of others. He was the big protective brother, once he viewed others as being family or friends. However, if pushed too much, he did have a dark switch and it mostly turned on when anyone was threatened or when they ticked him off. This mood change is his Black or Dark Rush. He becomes the complete opposite of nice and caring to put in nice words, after a spell of it, he will become himself, but with not a great memory of the events when in his Black personality, as well as being really tired.

Name: Rush
Gender: Stallion
Affinity (Alter): Red Sands
Special Stats: None
Circle: None
Mate: Masquerade
Offspring: None
Arrived: December 18, 2011