StormDance Isle

The purple stallion looked out over his miasma covered waters. The gas floated for a few feet off the surface, he made sure that if someone breathed in it, it would not harm them. He did not feel like allowing someone to die because they entered his realm. The realm of the midnight purple sun. The waters were always a dark blue or purple depending on the time of day. The land it self held plants tinted in purple and some that looked light blue from the tinted purple mixing with their original color.
A light breeze blew out from the mini sea that was part of his realm. His fiery electric blue eyes shown brightly as he gazed out at it. The breeze trailed his fiery ice blue main, tail and forelock back out behind him. His realm had now had a portal that lead to another world. Stormy's Valley on StormDance Isle, he had met his first human which after meeting her, learned that word didn't apply to a girl that her true hair color was skymagenta, could turn into a horse and a mermaid. She was something else, a Muraki, she some how found her way into his realm, which no creature ever had. He had been angered and ready to fight, but her blue eyes reflected the sorrow and loneliness he felt. He saw himself through her eyes, which was a shock. It was true when he was little that he couldn't control his element and made many very sick and locked himself away in his land of purple and blue.
He was stunned and did not know how to act, he had not any creature for a very long time, how long, he wasn't sure, it's hard to keep track in his realm. So instead he decided to see what she would do, he walked up to her and nipped at her long hair that was flying out in front of her from the light wind that had picked up. She giggled and slowly raised her hand before my muzzle and then stopped. Not sure what to do again, he moved his muzzle till it touched her warm hand.
She smiled and stoked his face, "Hello boy" she said sweetly. I nickered in response. I walked closer pushing her hand away and letting my neck rest over her shoulder. I had no clue what I was doing, but it felt right. I made double sure my fiery ice main and my element were turned to not harming anything. "Why are you alone boy?" she asked with true concern in her voice.
I stepped back and looked down at her, "I could not control my element and didn't want to hurt others," I said, my own voice sounding strange, being the fact I never talked allowed and had no one to talk to. "My element is miasma gas..." The girl kept watching now fear coming to her eyes or face, like most did when he was younger, no, the girl looked even sadder. "Is there something wrong?" I said for once concern entering my voice. Why I was concerned for this girl, I guess is the right term, was beyond me.
"Yes, you sacrificed so much, just so others would feel safe. They treated you horribly and you did the thing they would have never done in your position. I don't care that you control a dangerous gas, no one should have to live alone. Please allow my portal to stay open and become part of the family. I am Kyra and I am bonded to many of your kind. Please, I can't leave you hear alone, it would be against my beliefs and very existence."
I was shocked, but a weird feeling came over me, I believe it was trust, and acceptance, which now many months later, was bonded love. He soon would meet his bonded family, but for now Kyra kept him a secret as he wished. She had made another portal, one from her world where most humans lived, that way she could visit him without the others bugging her at to where she had gone. The portal to the valley only even opened if he wished it. He could sense his beloved bonded now, her skymagenta aura and would allow her in, as for any one else. He was not ready, not just yet.

Name: Phantom
Gender: Stallion
Affinity (Alter): Deep Shadows
Special Stats: Elemental (Miasma)
Circle: None
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Arrived: April 21, 2009