StormDance Isle

Steep dark brown and grey cliffs tower on two sides of the wide cove, which slopes down at the head part of the inlet to a sandy beach. Big willows and birch cast big shadows across the beach and off to the side if a 20 foot wide river, which is dotted with bunches of willows on the banks. This is the ice blue mare’s favourite place to rest and relax. She rests with her head on lush salt grass that covers the banks, around the trees. The willow’s branches fall over and around her, creating a little hide away for her; she is completely surround by the falling leaf tendrils. Peace loves this place, the peace, shady and comfort she gets. Well minus if her ‘water sprites’ were around, then the peace is out of the question.
It was a place that thinking of the past did not hurt or shadow her day if the happening of the past came up for a flashback. She does remember her 1st bonded, but as time went now is only a silhouette with a voice, it’s easier not to see the one whom left her. She had great fun times, and was even such the little social butterfly back then, fearless little seas going gal. Though she did not seeing it coming or even any idea that event’s that lead to her childhood world falling to pieces before her. The surroundings, sites and smell are engraved in her, or she should say were till she became a mare, not it’s a shadowy window into the past, all the colours are faded to grey scale.
She was on her own for some time, coming across water going serian was every far and few between, but now she found she see them and move off without being seen. She gets all nervous, jittery and when her voice had to use confident dove song, was now the softness of coos. Her voice was so quiet sometimes it amazed her that she was even heard. Then by chance she was given the opportunity and bonded to Kyra. She loved the girl, whom seem to have the nervous problem too, but not around her serians but her home life. It helped Peace to know she was not alone in it; they even shared the fact of being such the social butterfly as a youngster and then having the ground give way before them. Her bonded’s ground breakers were the so called friends she had, they left her high and dry. Then even the whole school grade ignored her, minus the teachers. Peace could not fathom that all these children Kyra knew; played with, trusted and those closest to her to just up and leave her behind. Both ended up becoming the shy and quiet coo doves. Kyra was on the rebound, which gave the ice mare hope that she could as well. She knew it was going to be hard but if her bonded could do it, and now she had a bonded to back her.
Peace also loved now having a bonded-sister, StormDance was such a great sister, always there to chat, play and a listener. With her and Kyra around Peace was such what she would have been like if she not been abandoned, she could regain. StormDance had a love of water which was great with Peace limited to it, splash sessions or soaking of their bonded filled many fun hours. Also with coming to Kyra, her knew cove came with buds as well. Two dolphins lived there, an albino cast from her pod for her colouring, named Dove and a black porpoise whom was separated from his pod named Pointer. These two were the best of friends and were over the top with joy to meet and play with Peace. So they joined in on all the water games and it came known to be weary by any water when the two ‘water sprits’ were not in view, otherwise soaked you would be.
She did get a little confidence and for some reason she found herself wandering fields by herself. It was fun but she did run into a group of serians. That was a little nerve racking, but she made it through. They were nice to her and she felt ok, not relaxed but not about to vanish in a flash from there. They invited her to join a circle if it was going to be formed, which she said yes too, but the leaders of the circle ended up being very much wanders, but sure was not formed; it was a great experience to meet others and be asked to join such a special group.
Crash was the next serian she got to meet; at first she was shy around him. He was guy, so yay she was nervous. Though after a few meetings, she proved very kind and caring. It also helped her loved the ocean as much as her and him and Poniter seem to a rivalry now going on to whom is the best water boy. This involves soaking, splashing and racing and any games really. Then her next bond- brother came, ok yes she loves him since her part of the bond family. But loving and likey someone in this case was two very different things. The red and wild trouble maker figured out she was the greatest sibling to play his rotten games and pranks on. So most time she hang with her other bond-family members when she knew he was about. Ok the odd one of his pranks, like 1 and thousand was funny, but ‘hello, pick on someone else!’ There is only so many startles, jumping, shocked stiff a girl can take, well she hopped, she was well over 200 for each by now. He just liked to cause trouble…. That was putting it lightly and that is how she would keep phasing it.
However, a times after Dart came Peace did go on adventures out in the field, where she gotten to know a few serians bonded to Songhue. Again shy she was, and clung to side of StormDance or Crash, it gave her confidence having them at her side. She thought they were all nice but she was still uneasy around them, it was just her nerves. Sign though she liked most likely because she could see part of herself in her. Both wanted to be more confident, but shy and quiet was them for the moment. After that meeting ice mare could relax more around that group.
One outing her next bond-sibling made quiet the entrance. Dart had just pulled off a stunt and the sun mare Path had had it. She quickly and with good power delivered a quit blow. Dart seemed not to care and took it in stride and did an attempt to land a blow too, and it hit. Not a very hard one but both would be sore later that night. Then she thought he left, but was wrong he’s circle back to scare the life from her, yay for being his scare toy… So he would have had be through the ringer instead and silver flash darted to my side and as it did slammed into the hiding stallion. Well I was shocked stiff and froze and watched with saucer eyes. The mare introduced herself as SilverFlash; her name suited her entrance, and she was my new bond-sister. She thought out bond-brother was a shark. Well we hit it off from there; she too loved the water, games and as the other two did watched out to abort Dart’s schemes.
Peace since then had been working on her confidence, especially now how she felt like she was the guardian to her two dolphin friends. Trying her best to rein them in with their play, so others would not what to jet when they made an appearance, she gotten very good and getting them to tell her when they came and went from the cove to fields on Sionayra oceans. With them being magical salt or fresh water they could travel through. The mare also been hanging with Kyra and her other close-bond family members and was sure her confidence was a growing flame now, getting brighter and brighter all the time. She was sure she was be more confident and made ever tell her trouble maker off if he bugged again, well maybe. For now hanging with her bonded, StormDance, SilverFlash and Crash keep her content, along with being guardian to two very playful and never ever tired dolphins.

Name: Peace
Gender: Mare
Half Siblings: Warrior, Arrow, Trust, Bolt & StarShadow
Special Stats: Unique (Fish Lover Body)
Circle: None
Mate: None
Offspring: Fate
Arrived: August 21, 2005

She is a little bond- sister to StormDance, one must look after, but she can hold her own if needed. Also Peace comes with the ‘brats or sprites or water sprites’ they are collectively known as, her two magical dolphin companions. Dove being the more likeable, albino dolphin and her partner in crime Pointer, a black . They had made some sea adventures quiet interesting to say the least, as well as reason never to stare over a river or lake and think she was alone or safe. That equals heart attack and being soaked wet.