StormDance Isle

The little tan and white mare trotted up the hillside of her mountain valley home. Her silver orbs light and happy. She had a great family and sure the past hurt, she decide to just live. One has to live with both the light and the dark memories to stay who they are.
OchreStar flicked her ebony tail and shook her crown playfully, causing her ebony mane to ripple like black water. Light bouncing of her ivory coat and spiked collar, sparkled out to any one or critter whom may have been watching.
She look dainty and small, minus her collar but others would be surprised to know that a warrior could run wild. Her time on her own, allowed her hone her skills. Even with her past bonded, she was always as a foal trying to show she could defend others and protect her family. She was a rose with thorns, she chose her collar to be a visual thorn. Yet most still saw her as a lovely white rose, but at least she knew she could be both.
Sweet, maybe a little foolish and when her nerves get the better of her, she talked a mile a minute. She was getting better but being around more than two others made her uneasy. Most likely from her time on her own for so long... If you work hard and she had, her survival skills and her own ability never let her down, but others well... Her fast bond family had, so it was easier to do her thing by herself but as she go to know Kyra and the "little princess", SilverFlash, she was learning having friends allowed to accomplish more than she ever dreamed. It is nice to have a few watching her back, so she could relax just a little.
A cool mountain breeze swept around her, bring back from her thoughts. She caught the scent of an unknown and not really wanting any company unless it was her bonded or Silver. OrcheStar on edge of a time, changed direction and galloped towards one of the gum tree groves. She soon vanished into the forest of white mountain gums and black gum tree forest.

Name: OchreStar
Gender: Mare
Affinity (Alter): Unkown
Special Stats: None
Circle: None
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Arrived: November 17th, 2013

She is seen as impulsive, on the childish side, someone who needs to be protected. However, when necessary she can be dependable and serious. Her thrown show through on the little ivory rose.